我發現 每週的"婚姻與家庭"都會讓我改變舊有的想法
今天的主題 其中有一樣是 以下哪種方式你比較喜歡?
指腹為婚 媒妁之言(相親) 自由戀愛 朋友介紹 網路交友
我們那一組 大部分都比較喜歡相親
理由是 可以直接開出條件 節省時間 而且是經過篩選的人選 再加上長輩睿智的眼光
下課後 和mo到6F 結果碰到了教官
something very interesting happened,
Mo kidded to drillmaster:"Don't you introduce some boys?"
The drillmaster go into the classroom immediately,
I shoutted behind the trillmaster:"I want a handsome boy, who should be tall and good-looking"
Five seconds later,
A boy came with the drillmaster and stood in front of me,
I was shocked...
Oh, my god...
The drillmaster told the boy:
"The girl who's major is early childhood, she needs some help
as she wants to sign up tests for master"
(How don't I know I want to sign up master tests?)
The boy took it seriouly and told to me carefully,
I was amzed...and I didn't know how do I say...
The bell rang,
I told to the drillmaster:"Oh, my god. How dare you?"
In the afternoon,
Mo and I went to the office again,
Gloria -> drillmaster:"Do you think the boy is really handsome?"
Drillmaster:"The boy is nice, I think he is not bad for you."
Gloria made face...
Mo:"I think he is a little fat"
Drillmaster nodded:"A little bit"
According to this event,
I think maybe 相親 is not a good idea.
After taking to drillmaster, I thought something which I didn't think about.
Did I want to know more about him?
But thanked to drillmaster's hlep,
I knew how tall was him...(that's a very useful imformation)
And I knew,
It's not a wise behavior to say:"I want to make friend with you"
最震撼我的新聞莫過於孫翠鳳丈夫與她姐姐外遇 產下一女的新聞
讓我想到 那天dolphin說 真愛從原諒開始...
如果真心愛一個人 不管那個人做了什麼 一定會原諒他
在愛情裡 需要這種度量嗎!?
我覺得...復合之路 是這個世界上最坎坷曲折的一條路
要從滿是傷痕撕毀的心 慢慢修補
當初 胡瓜在李璇的醜聞案時 秀秀出面相挺
可是 多年後...胡瓜在邂逅丁柔安後 卻告訴秀秀:"我終於找到我的真愛了"
在愛情的世界裡 瞬息萬變
也想起了老師曾經說過 要承認:"不知道原因 他就是不愛我了"更是艱難的自白
所以 還是把握現在
於是 上完今天的婚姻與家庭
我體認到 不夠勇敢的人 沒有資格徜徉愛情世界
於是 想改變自己的心態
如同教官所說 再過幾個月 也就畢業了 應該好好把握...
於是 個性與新被灌輸的觀念在拔河
- Mar 27 Tue 2007 23:53